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El Redactor: Ysabel T. L.

This planet is filled with all kinds of strange things, like 400 million-year-old species and unexplainable geological phenomena. Among the many crafty and creepy creations of mother nature are several different insects, reptiles, and critters that live underwater or are covered in fur, clearly designed to leave us amazed and awestruck. 

These members of the animal kingdom certainly don't look like they're from Earth, but they very much are! From scorpions that don't sting to butterflies that won't eat, weirdness is the way of life for these critters. Here's are the names of some absolutely beautiful and bizarre wild beasts and a tidbit of info about them.

1. The carnivorous Eastern Long-Necked turtle has a neck that can grow as long as its shell. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Eastern Long necked Turtle 


2. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko is the smallest of the leaf-tailed geckos and has an appearance that mimics decaying leaves to hide from predators and prey. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Satanic leaf-tailed gecko

(By Charles J Sharp, Wikimedia Commons)  

3. The giant oarfish is a rare creature and the longest bony fish in the world, growing up to 30 feet in length. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, The Giant Oarfish


4. The Bat-Eared fox closely resembles ancestors of the canine family and uses its adorably massive ears for thermoregulation 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, The bat-eared fox 


5. The blue-tongued skink uses its uniquely colored tasting-tool as a bluff warning, designed to startle predators 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, The blue-tongued skink

(By Benjamint444, Wikimedia Commons)  

6. The pig-nosed turtle is well known for its snout-like nose and is a very popular selection in the exotic pet trade

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Pig-nosed turtle 

(By Junkyardsparkle, Wikimedia Commons)  

7. The scorpionfly has a stinger that looks scary but is harmless and used during the mating process. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Scorpionfly


8. The peacock spider is named for its colorful patterns, and much like real peacocks, only the males display these vibrant colors 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Peacock spider 

(By Jurgen Otto, Wikimedia Commons)   

9. The Flapjack octopus is an adorable umbrella octopus that can move by pushing water through a funnel in its body to create a jet propulsion. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Flapjack octopus


10. The gorgeous Crested Polish roosters are typically bred as show birds but can be rather ill-tempered as their lovely crests impair their vision. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Crested Polish rooster or chicken 


11. The Arabian sand boa spends most of its time under the sand and is known for its small eyes and blunt snout, vaguely reminiscent of a child’s drawing. 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Arabian sand boa


12. The giant leopard moth is known for its distinct pattern and is a strictly nocturnal creature, so you won’t see them flying around before nightfall 

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Giant leopard moth 

(By AmaryllisGardener, Wikimedia Commons)   

13. The fire snail, distinguished by its bright red hue is one of the rarest snails in the world and can only be found in a certain part of Malaysia

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Fire Snail 


14. The Devil’s Flower mantis tends to take on the appearance of foliage and uses its bright colors as a warning to startle both prey and predator

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Devil’s Flower Mantis 


15. The Luna moth do not eat as adults and tend to spend their short lifetime looking for suitable plants to lay their eggs

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Luna Moth 


16. The Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar is one of the largest in the world, growing up to 6 inches in length, and is quite harmless despite its appearance

Quick facts on strange and weird looking wild animals, Hickory horned devil caterpillar 

(By Bob Warrick, Wikimedia Commons)   

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